Monday, October 10, 2016

August and September 2016

Hello everyone! Here it is October and I'm just getting to post August! I have tried a few times but all our pictures weren't showing up. Then I thought I fixed it and a few days later went back to make a post and they still weren't there... and that happened several times. Anyway, enough on excuses!

Here we celebrate Grandpa Pauls' 80th birthday! We got to celebrate with them three times in fact!bdbdLatte art improving, perhaps!
bdAnother training run for the guys! They would get up early Sunday morning to go for their long run. I'd try to leave about the same time or shortly after, go for my run, get back, shower, and then make breakfast. By meeting time I was so tuckered out, I'd have to stand in the back to not fall asleep - or maybe I'm taking after my mother already! :)baAustin and Sarah Beth are always up for a round of disc golf! SB got to thinking she should try being a flamingo I guess! Look at that balance.sba

foodI guess Matthew was anticipating his dinner this evening! What gets better than salmon, sweet potatoes, and green beans?beachFinally got out to the beach for a little bit of relaxation. Except I'm not really sure how 'relaxing' learning "Django" is!

One evening we took Sarah Beth out to Montana De Oro to do a photo shoot for her senior pictures. After awhile, Mom, Dad, and Austin came out, too, for a walk along the bluffs. Austin was being a little crazy...austBut, it made for a cool picture!sibsThis one I REALLY like! Three siblings, three friends.rotundaOne evening Matthew took me to a new little restaurant down town A-town called Street Side. Afterwards we walked around the rotunda building.bdMatthew's morning smoothie foundation.dressupSorry about the mirror picture. This was us dressed up for a 1920s, Hollywood murder mystery party! It was a new experience for me, but it was fun to meet some new people, and celebrate Leah's bday with her. Despite not really getting into the whole mystery thing a ton, I did guess the correct murderer! Watched enough 'Castle' I guess!sf"Sense and Sensibility" was an enjoyable evening at Solvang with a bunch of ladies.
leafLeaves are falling...

wfI needed a few health food items and finally made it to Whole Foods in SLO. This stuff cost almost $70 ;(
lambGave lamb a try! Yum!cookiesChocolate chip cookies for a meeting at Matthew's work. They really like him ;)mdoThought these colors were a neat contrast out at Montana De Oro.mdoHiking Valencia!mdoDoing a little balancing. Btw, if it looks scary, it isn't really. Just the perspective.treeMatthew thought this little tree needed some help growing.nOne day while working, I decided to plan a special evening for us. I had dinner ready soon after Matthew got home and we drove out to San Simeon. After eating a picnic, we chilled on the beach then walked out on the pier for awhile. So peaceful! And I love the drive out there and back on 46. Driving is a great time to talk, too.wupWild Cherry Canyon, here they come! The big day finally arrived! Here's the guys warming up. Once they left, I had an hour before the 5 miler began. It was the craziest 5 miles I've ever run, but super fun. I was going to totally take it easy and just enjoy the time, but I got in sink with another runner and then my competitiveness kicked in and I tried to keep up to him! I didn't quite make it but still went way faster than I thought I could!raceHere they come! 26.2 miles later, looking good!raceWay to go guys! Still can't believe you ran a marathon, or at least completed it since there was no running up some of those crazy hills!brTook Matthew's road bike out for a spin one afternoon. Fun way to explore Atown.eggThis was a cheap chicken!beachSpent an hour at the beach one afternoon before run club at Grizzly. Except that when I got down there.. it had been canceled. So I went back to the beach to run!yosemiteMatthew went to an EdCamp near Yosemite with some of his coworkers and teachers one weekend.sunsetmatthewTaken by a random stranger and it is one of my favorites!valleywatchingWatching the sunsetdrivingDriving home on Sunday.starbucksWe biked down to Starbucks several evening for Matthew to prep for his CTO application. And no, neither of us got coffee, just tea!hbfoodStill imperfect, but having fun and learning more about how latte art works!4daySooo, long story. But I'm trying a 4 day rotation diet. That mean I pick a protein, a carb, and a veggie (also a nut, berry, and oil) for the day. Then I don't have any of that for at least another 4 days. The first day I could barely eat dinner I was so tired of chicken, broccoli and rice. But strangely enough, I've come to be excited about eating the same thing three meals in a row! I've come up with some great new combinations and gotten away from the stuck-in-a-rut recipes and meals.sweet pot. salmonThis one is mashed sweet potatoes with canned salmon and dill. The second time I made these, they fell apart horrible. Maybe I'll bake them next time, but the flavor is oh SO good!chia seedOf course, cravings are still happening so I try to get chocolate in every once in awhile. This is almond milk, honey, cocoa powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, and chia seeds set overnight. yum!

And there ends September. Still trying to figure out this food thing and if anyone has experience with it, I'd love to hear! I've been working lots and loving it. I've meet so many Christians. When they come it, it is just so exciting to know they know my God and we have that bond. I need that frequent reminder that God is alive and working! Also excited about being part of my coworkers' lives and hopefully getting out of the way of the Holy Spirit speaking through me to them. Sometimes I'm kinda puzzled what He is doing. I thought a prayer had been answered, but then it didn't turn out all that good, so I was like, "What's up with that God?" But day after day, He shows His faithfulness, and I hang on knowing He knows the beginning to the end! My God is an awesome God!

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